I know you're all just waiting for my political analysis. I do, after all, have a tremendous amount of expertise in the field, having performed in more dive bars than you've probably ever been in. and hanging out with ne'er do wells and such.
The political season is upon us, in case you haven't noticed. And this is when you can tell who is jockeying for what position. Sarah Palin... gasp.... is actually being dangled as a presidential contender by the Republicans. I can surmise this because she is veering more to the center, having reeled in the "wing nut" branch of the Republican Party. She is actually positioning herself as a conciliator of sorts. Or rather, the powers that be are positioning her as such. And they are unleashing none other than the old stalwart of the "right", Newt Gingrich, as the new voice of the wacko's. Which allows Ms. Palin to scoot to the center a bit. You heard it right here. Sarah Palin will be the Republican candidate for president.
Newt is pretty comfortable in the role of the comforter of the wacko's, though of course he doesn't believe a word that comes out of his own mouth. He knows Barack Obama is actually the personification of the American Dream. And yet, he is willing, and able, to paint him as some kind of foreign born alien species who by some dastardly and no doubt devious scheme managed to become president, and is leading the nation into the abyss of socialism and Devil worship.
The Democrats, on the other hand, have allowed the Republicans to define the battle. Because they are, after all, a bunch of wusses. They can't help it. They just came out that way.
Obama somehow managed to squander most of his momentum on a healthcare bill that nobody really wants. And now that the honeymoon with the electorate is over, he is scrambling to get his old groove back. Of course, he is dragged down by two wars and a slogging (at best) economy. The relationship of which nobody but those of us on the outside seem to be able to grasp. Two Wars plus No Money equals Slogging (at best) Economy.
John Boehner is practically salivating at his seemingly inevitable leadership position in Congress. I'd like to say Boehner seems like a nice guy, but honestly, he seems like a creep. The guy in the dark recesses of the lounge with the scotch on the rocks and the cigarette hittin' on the young barmaid. I'm tellin' you, I've seen this guy before. Plenty of times. And his name is John Boehner.
One thing you can count on in an election season is that all truth will be out the window. Don't expect anybody to utter a single word of truth until the election is over. And even then, I wouldn't hold my breath.
Now that's a scary thought. I'm a registered Republican (where I live, only the Republican Party runs candidates for office--so if I want to have any voice in the primaries, I have to vote Republican), but I will never vote for Sarah Palin. No matter how bad the economy is in 2012, or how disastrous the never-ending war in the Middle East becomes, there is no way I would support someone who could not even finish a single four-year term as a state governor (and who in all likelihood bailed before being impeached and removed from office for ethics violations). I'm still trying to figure out how she became the darling of the Republican Party, because certainly she's not a great intellect.
ReplyDeleteNow John Boehner--there's someone who will "look good" banging the gavel. But he'll have to give up some tanning time on the golf course when he is Speaker of the House. And we know he is chomping at the bit to become the next Speaker (and be two heartbeats away from the White House).
Fortunately, I live in a state where the incumbent senator lost in the primaries (bye, bye Benedict Arlen), and PA will definitely have a new senator next January. In many ways, though, I wish we went back to politics in the late 18th century, when political parties did not exist, at least not in the way they exist today. What this nation really needs is to blow up the two-party system and make it possible for third parties to have an real impact on the outcome (and I don't mean have an impact like the Ralph Nader or Pat Buchanan voters had in the 2000 election in Florida). Grass roots movements and coalitions--that's what we should see. But I don't see it happening in my lifetime, because PACs (and the established parties) will do their best to maintain the status quo because that's what works best for them.
I have a sister in Colorado. There was a progressive candidate in her district in the primaries who was doing really well in the polls against the incumbent Democrat. So what does the DNC do? They send in Bill Clinton to stump for the incumbent. Here's a candidate with genuine popular appeal and some fresh ideas... and they send in Ol' Bill to squash his candidacy. It happens all the time. The parties both represent primarily corporate interests. I might be wrong on my take on Sarah Palin... but she seems to be gaining some credibility as a serious candidate. I couldn't vote for her if she was running against a Martian. But I just have this sense that she is being groomed. That they've been floating her out there, and she is gaining popularity The only problem is, as you pointed out, that she essentially abandoned her post in Alaska. Of course, she made up some b.s. reason for doing so. And her followers seem to accept anything she says. Getting elected into office has become kind of a beauty pageant anyway. Palin is very telegenic, and what she lacks in intellect she makes up in enthusiasm. I don't think she can beat Obama. But honestly, I don't see any Republican who can beat Obama. No matter what his poll numbers say. He is a formidable campaigner, and I look for him to have two terms as president. I just wish he was half as appealing as president as he is as a candidate..
ReplyDeleteOMG! Is the first thing that comes to mind. I am glad to hear that you guys won't or aren't voting for her. I would also vote -martian right along with ya. If she becomes president, First i am going to vomit. Second, perhaps swear a new found alligence to Canada! She is defintely lacking in the intellect department. Have an idea of how she became the darling of the "far right folks". Due to the fact that they are blooming idiots as well! My personal opinion of course. Meanwhile i will have to pray for America, because if idiots run my country and drag it down even more by pulling us back into the dark ages. You know like when the world was considered flat. (It is called "progress or moving forward.") Geeze! Then, it would be very hard to swallow. I'd be scratching my head on a daily basis. Meanwhile everyone is running around with guns. Let's just go back to the cowboy days and strap on a side arm or two. Lordy! Lordy! Please help me! You done got me started there David! And a little freaked out, i need a beer now! But appreciate some heads up. Need to be informed or more time to ready myself for a plunge into idiot land. For sure happy to be living in the woods now.